When Life Just Doesn’t Go the Way You Planned

I bet you have those days where you actually can’t believe life is so great. You wake up and the weather is beautiful and people greet you on the streets. Your colleagues at work encourage you and your partner/spouse/”other half” puts your needs above theirs. Then I bet you’ve had those days that are the total opposite. Sometimes life just seems too hard and you find yourself asking “Why me?”

We all have those days; some of us may even feel like our whole life just hasn’t gone according to plan. A few months ago I found myself on the defensive every day, just waiting for the next thing to go wrong. I had started to live in this fearful, disillusioned world where I always expected the worst.

I went to listen to Dr. Caroline Leaf speak at the Durban Christian Centre and while she encouraged us and spoke words of life and hope I was reminded of that scripture in Jeremiah, 29 verse 11. “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Say WHAT! Yes that’s the thought that went through my head. “Hang on, God actually has a life of good stuff planned for me? Well then where is it all?” It was at that moment that I knew I had to make some changes to the thoughts I was believing, and these three truths made that a little easier.

  1. There are a lot of things to be happy about

When we actually get to the crux of it, the fact that we are alive and have access to Internet to read this, are in themselves reasons that life is not so bad. We so often jump to the worst conclusions in moments of emotion, when in fact we should take a step back and realize that life is good and we have been blessed.

Think about all the blessings you have been given in life; friendships, jobs, relationships, family, experiences. Even making a list like that can be a healthy way to focus on what is good in our lives.

  1. His plans are always better then mine

It’s hard to believe this when life seems hard and hindsight is the WORST reality, but it is true. At the right time God brings all things into right standing. He has a GOOD plan for your life and He is faithful, which means He doesn’t break His promises. It may not seem like it now but give it time and the plan will start to make sense.

  1. Maybe I need to be a bit more patient

It’s during this waiting period that we learn patience. We learn to accept the delays; we learn to accept that we aren’t all knowing and that the bigger picture is worth the wait. Patience grows within us and helps us to mature as people. This is a blessing in itself, because we are constantly growing into better versions of ourselves. Maybe we just aren’t ready for what He has for us and we are being shaped and refined so that we can truly enjoy the plan.

Life won’t always go the way we want it to. That’s never going to change. What we can change is the way we react to life. Let us be encouraged by the words of scripture in Jeremiah, and let us hold on to hope for what’s yet to come… because it is good!


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May 25, 2015